A place without a place
A curatorial project by Hebert Gouvea. Galeria Penteado. Brazil – Sponsored by Canson
The exhibition uses the conceptual locus for the photographers to record their specific clipping of the world. The photographs poetically contextualise our society through landscapes and portraits.
A place without a place, a group exhibition at Galeria Penteado featuring photographs by 6 contemporary artists.
The exhibition’s concept is based on Zygmunt Bauman’s book Liquid Modernity (1999).
The artists Estefania Gavina, Vane Barini, Fabio Fantazinni and Danilo Perillo, Malu Saddi and Lucio Boschi (Argentina) were invited to explore the creative possibilities of the Canson Infinity line of unique papers.
The exhibition uses the conceptual locus for the photographers to record their specific clipping of the world. The photographs poetically contextualise our society through landscapes and portraits.
Estefania Gavina carries out a photographic essay during recent travels when she records the landscape of roads, the backs of trucks and cars, and traces of human passage. The images demonstrate the artist’s photographic eye and her nostalgia for her country of origin, Argentina, and her affection for Brazil, where she settled.
Vane Barini captures with the same precision urban and natural landscapes. For this exhibition presents images that are records of uninhabited, immense and silent places. Unlike the cities, the countryside preserves its characteristics of isolation and wildlife.
Fábio Fantazinni‘s photographic essay was done at Pico das Cabras. This place has a significant concentration of rocky formations, with unusual angles and textures, which allows the artist to explore several technical and aesthetic possibilities in B&W photography composition.
Danilo Perillo presents part of the series “Visions”, which emerged from the research of images for the serigraphy series “Visions of an unseen body”. The photographs, a starting point in the artist’s creative process, gain autonomy from the prints in this series that deal with the subtleties and seductions of the human body in different landscape contexts.
Malu Saddi relates fragments of her own body with elements of nature and everyday objects through bindings. The photograph registers an instant of the imposed relations between man and nature, the control, the needs, the balance and the abysses between one and the other.
Lucio Boschi shows his photographic record produced on the border between Argentina and Bolivia. The result of the series seeks to establish a direct relationship between the Andean people with birds of prey and their importance for that community and their celebrations.
The exhibition was the first time in the region to promote a partnership between a private art gallery – Galeria Penteado – with Canson Infinity and Art&Photo Printing and Emporium.

Participating artists
Estefania Gavina (Argentina)
Lucio Boschi (Argentina)
Vane Barini (Brazil)
Fábio Fantazinni (Brazil)
Danilo Perillo(Brazil)
Malu Saddi (Brazil)